Alto Trading Platform

Project:BlackAlto UK Ltd.
Date: 01-03-2022
Services: Architect & Design, Build & Deploy
Description: Fully Automated Trading System
Date: 01-03-2022
Services: Software Deign, Development, Platform orchestration, Automation & Hosting

The Alto trading platform is designed to fully automate the process of currency trading. This includes the ingress of trade data, the trend analysis, signal generation, risk management and trade execution.

Alto is platformed on Google Cloud Platform and uses cloud native services and software to enable lightning fast, realtime trading decisions to be taken and automatically executed.

Technical Info

The Alto project is built in Google Cloud and has Apache Cassandra as its underpinning transactional datastore. Custom written cloud native Kotlin APIs use Micronaut to deliver functionality and logic. Apache Kafka is used for all messaging between the APIs, and the front end is delivered in REACT.

The platform uses Google native components for optimised performance, and all platform components are defined in Terraform.

The awesome technologies we worked with on this project...

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